About Me

Los Angeles

Fullstack developer focused on building solution based websites with cutting edge technologies like React js. Utilizing architectural patterns like MVC and the MERN stack. Finishing the job with polished UX/UI. Accustomed to incorporating Agile Methodologies and highly adaptable to learning new tools. Based in Los Angeles, CA, with plenty of experience on remote & agile teams. I'd love for you to check out my work.

Hobbies: anything outdoors, riding motorcycles, singer-songwriter.
Personality: extroverted-introvert, food motivated, dog lover.


Laura Cullen

  •   Laura Cullen is a modern painter who is always making new work and presenting in exhibits with her existing collection.

  •   Laura's six page website was built with the MERN stack. It includes a manager portal with Firebase authorization so Laura can login to update her site.

  •   Featuring backend CMS with two MongoDB databases, one to store emails and the other to store blogs.

  •   Showcases a polished UI with parallax scroll features to give it an artsy vibe.

Laura-Cullen gif

Northwest Veg

Northwest Veg gif

  We set out to build an application that helps users find vegan recipies and facilities that incorporating a plant based diet into their programs!

  Recipe section takes users to recipe page with popular categories of recipies like breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.

  Search bar at the top allows users to search for any type of veg recipies they would like to find.

  Facility section lists facilities that provide veg options. We created a backend form for the admins to enter faciliities that get stored in a MySQL database & displayed on the page.

Dark Horse Tours

  Created a tour planning application to help music artists map their tours and then sell tickets in advance of the tour.

  Application is set up like a social media site with profiles for bands and fans with Firebase authorization.

  It two third party APIs. The Leaflet API was used to feature a map for fans to check-in at their location and TomTom API to pull up latitude and longitude based on the users city.

Dark Horse GIF

Blue Check

Blue Check Website

  This website was built for verification company to familiarize potential customers with the business and services. The site was styled with Materialize.

  The testimonial section cycles through different testimonials from past clients.

  Click "Free Consultation" button to open up your local email application with the company email automatically filled in.

  Services section outlines the top line services with easy to visualize icons.

Griffin Oscar

  Successful pop artist and producer with millions of streams but did not have a website to link everything together.

  The site features snazzy css to give a glitch effect to Griffin's logo at the top.

  We utilized two third party APIs. Mailchimp to manage Griffin's mailing list and Bands In Town to give tour updates.

project 1


  •   University of California Los Angeles
  • Certificate of Completion

    Software Engineering - Full Stack Development

  •   Berklee College of Music
  • Bachelor's Degree

    Music Business Management